How to Kiss a Guy and Have a Deep Connection With Him?

The thought of kissing a guy, especially if it is for the first time, is both exciting and thrilling at the same time. While many butterflies go around in our bellies, many questions may puzzle us on how to kiss a guy. But well, don’t worry, we have all been there, done that.

Whether you are a newbie or have kissed many guys before and are searching for some answers, you are definitely at the correct place.

Kissing is one of the purest forms of expressing love.

It is definitely not rocket science, but it definitely an art that only some can master. However, certain tricks and tips, which if you know and apply, would help drive your partner crazy and want more.

Hence, if you are ready to seal the deal, keep on reading.

How to kiss a guy?

It is okay to freak out a little bit before the day finally arrives for what it’s worth. We all weave a little fairy tale in our heads when it comes to our perfect kiss. And well, thinking of if it would really be perfect, but can cause us to lose our sanity a little.

Ask anyone to share some tips with you on how to kiss a guy; you would mostly get a reply that says – do not worry, everything happens naturally. Well, we can not completely diss that fact. However, it is also true that you do need to know certain things to ace that perfect kiss.

How to Kiss a Guy and Have a Deep Connection With Him?

How to prep before a perfect kiss?

First on how to kiss a guy are the preparations before it. Yes, you have heard it right. There are certain things that you must note before going with the moment.

Even though people mostly say a kiss happens in a flow and the moment, there are certain things you must keep in check. Read on to know what they are:

Freshen up

How would you react if the man you are kissing has terrible breath? Bad breath is a huge turnoff. If you want your man to want more, not letting you go, then having a fresh and nice breath must be your first priority.

Ensure brushing your teeth before you go to meet him and be fresh. Along with that, try and avoid consuming anything that can bring a smell to your mouth. Some of these foods are garlic, onion, or anything similar with a strong smell and taste.

To be on the safer side, carry some mints and chewing gums along. Whenever you find your breath to be a little tinted, pop one or two in, and you are fresh again.

Look and feel pretty

Looks are not important for any person. Even though it is true that a real man will love you just the way you are, it is also important to feel pretty. Hence, dress the part. Having said that, it is also important to ensure that you are not feeling uncomfortable in any dress that you wear when you are meeting him.

The whole idea is to wear something that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Confidence is the key to make a person attractive. When you feel confident, your kiss would reflect that and make your man want more. Wear a mild perfume and a bit of lip gloss, and you are good to go.

Ease down the situation a little

Before you move in with the kiss, your actions must show that you like him. Hence, take some time out to bond with each other. Go out on dates, share your heart and see how he is reacting to it. This would also ensure that you suddenly don’t jump from one to a hundred.

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Spending some quality time with each other would help to strengthen the emotional bond of you both. Another good side of spending some time is giving you both ample moments to create magical memories.

Loosen the ‘touch’ barrier

A ‘touch barrier’ is something we have with almost everyone, especially the one we like. Before moving in with the thought of kissing someone, you must make it a point to break and loosen the touch barrier. Just simple acts such as holding hands, caressing the hair, pulling the cheek, etc., can make you both comfortable with each other.

This would also give your partner a hint of how comfortable you are around him. Start little by little. Hold his hands, put your head on his shoulders while watching a film, hug him. These would not break the barrier but also add to your memories, bringing you both closer.

Create the moment for the kiss

One of the most important things to know about how to kiss guys is how to create a moment for the kiss to happen. Kissing is one of the most important and the first steps of a relationship. Through this step, you make a person understand that you want a person to be more than just friends. Hence, building a nice moment for initiating the kiss is a must.

The first thing is to ensure that you and are both emotionally and physically ready for the kiss. Understand where you both would be comfortable in sharing the special moment.

Some people prefer indoors, maybe while on a couch, and then others would want it a little different, say maybe by a riverside. Hence, ensure first where your partner would be comfortable. You would know best when the right moment is to go forward with the kiss.

How to Kiss a Guy and Have a Deep Connection With Him?

How to kiss a guy step by step?

Now that we know all the steps to prepare for the kiss, the next step is to know how to kiss a guy. Your kiss can either make your man wanting for more or can completely turn him off. Hence, read along to know how to ensure he comes back again and again.

Move with the kiss

You would realize when the moment approaches. As a matter of fact, the situation around you is sure to become tense. Your mind and heart would tell you that ‘the moment’ you have been looking forward to is finally here.

Do a little bit of eye contact with him to build the intensity. It is said that the eyes reflect your emotions in the best way. You must ensure not to break eye contact.

Lean in slowly and tilt your head at an angle to smoothen the process. If you do not tilt your head and move straight, your head will bump into each other, and the nose would ensure the kiss doesn’t happen.

Close your eyes when your lips touch. Looking straight with your eyes open can freak either one of you out. Kiss slowly and gently and if you want, increase the pace as moments pass by. Closing your eyes also ensures that you are in the moment. You live the moment and focus more when you have your eyes shut.

Use your hands while kissing

Your hands play a vital role when you are kissing. The whole experience can double up if you can use your hands properly and nicely while kissing your man. If you both share a light, romantic kiss, keep your hands behind his shoulders and gently stroke it. If he hugs you or touches your shoulder too while kissing, understand that it indicates him being protective of you.

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To heat things a little and make the kiss more intense and hotter, you can also use your hands to pull him closer. To bring more passion into the scene, you can also gently stroke his hair. In any which way you like, use your hands.

Keeping your hands loose and not touching him around the waist or shoulders when kissing might also show a lack of interest.

Don’t stick to one kind of a kiss

The last thing you want while kissing your man is to become monotonous. Hence, play around with the kiss and try out different things to break the monotony. For instance, switch the lip. Change the positions between the lower and upper lip. Tilt your head from time to time to bring in some difference.

Another thing to try while kissing your partner is to stop kissing the lips and kiss on the other parts of the face. Try kissing their cheeks, necks to bring a break to the monotony. You can kiss from their cheek to their neck or tilt your head a little and let them do so to you.

Whatever suits you best, do not stick to one kind of kissing. This way, you both would eventually lose interest, and we definitely don’t want that, do we?

Let everything glow in a flow

While we have been discussing how to kiss a guy, let’s accept that it is not possible to ‘plan’ everything out. Most importantly, even though it is, you should not chalk a list out on your head on what to do after what.

Kissing is one of the most passionate things. Hence, while doing a little homework before your special moment sounds fair, it would only be crazy to set rules on what to do.

Pre-deciding on how your first kiss would be can make your experience bad. Let the complete thing go in a flow. Understand that while it is a special moment for you, it is a special moment for your partner as well.

Hence, do not over-expect and let things flow naturally. Switch leads between you and your partner. Ultimately, in the end, it’s the memories made that lasts for life.

What to do after the kiss?

People scroll through hundreds of articles and listen through thousands of suggestions on perfecting the first kiss. However, they do not do a little homework on what to do after they have kissed. Concluding the kiss nicely is way more important than doing it. Hence, the last thing to know about how to kiss a guy is to give it a nice conclusion.

Once the kiss is over, look at his eyes. If you feel shy, wrap him in a warm hug. This would give you both an affirmation and help boost your emotional connection. If you want, you can also say a word or two, telling him how you loved the kiss or how you liked how good he was.

Moreover, do what your heart says. It is quite normal for your stomach to have butterflies and your heart to be overwhelmed at the moment. But, also understand that he too is feeling a similar wavelength. There could be a list of questions running through your mind, “Would we again?” “Did he like it?”,  “Would he want to go further?”, Remember to be patient, and you would witness all the answers unfold on your own.

Final thoughts

Like already said, kissing is one of the purest forms of expressing love and passion. Growing up, we all draw a fairy tale in our heads regarding how our first kiss would be. However, when you actually kiss, would you realize that it is nothing compared to the fairy kiss. One wrong move and can leave a bizarre memory.

Hence, the best thing is to let things go in a flow when you are kissing the man you like. It is always a nice thing to get some homework done. However, there is nothing fixed on what makes a man want to kiss a woman. Understand that your moment is yours only, and it would be best if it is left unplanned.