How Do You Say I Love You in Spanish to Express Your Feelings?

Confessing love to your beloved is always special. And what better than expressing your love in Spanish? It such an adorable language that if you listen to it once, you will fall in love with it. So, if you are looking for ways to know how do you say I love you in Spanish and more, you’re reading the right space. Today we have highlighted our blog on some great phrases and much that you can dedicate to your beloved in Spanish! Scroll down if you are looking for words in the beautiful language to express your love to your beloved!

How do you say I love you words in Spanish?

Apart from knowing how do you say I love you in Spanish, here is the list of affectionate words that you can use for several purposes. Check out the following:

How Do You Say I Love You Too in Spanish?

There are two ways to say “I love you too” in Spanish. One is very romantic, whereas the other is affectionate.

‘Yo también te amo’ this means ‘I love you too.’ But it has a profound and romantic meaning to it.

Yo también te quiero this means the same. However, it is a lot less romantic and not too committed like “amo.”

“I Love You”

As we have mentioned above, there are many ways to say, “how do you say I love you in Spanish.” However, it will depend a lot on the situation, the context, and who or what you are talking about.

However, the most common phrase is “te amo,” and the meaning is “I love you.” You must have heard this phrase in many songs and movies. However, it has a profound meaning to it. It is mainly used between couples who are dating, in courtship, or married.

Te Quiero is another way you can tell “I love you.” The exact translation is “I want/need you”; however, that’s not the exact meaning. Moreover, this phrase does not have an equivalent English translation.

It can mean “I desperately want you into my life,” but again, not the same meaning. Also, it is mainly said between people who are dating and are in a dedicated relationship, however, not for married couples.

If you want your “I love you” to sound more passionate, then you can ‘mucho’ at the end of it. Mucho means very much.

If you want to utter the words “I love you immensely”,. Then you can say ‘te amo,’ or the term ‘te Quiero mucho’ implies the same.

How Do You Say I Love You in Spanish to Express Your Feelings?

Key Points

  1. Both are widespread ways to say, “I love you.” But “te Quiero” is mostly used.
  2. Querer, which is the verb form of the word “Quiero,” meaning “to want.” However, for romantic contexts, it means ‘love.’
  3. Both “Amor” and “Querer” can express ‘to love’ which may be non-romantic. You can use it for parents, siblings, children, or pets.

Different Ways on How Do You Say I Love You in Spanish

If you do not want to be direct, then there are few more ways to convey your feelings. Some of the romantic expressions are listed below:

  • ‘you mean a lot to me’ in Spanish means ‘significas mucho para mí.’
  • If you want to say “I like you” then say “Me caes bien,” but it is said chiefly between friends. However, if you’re going to say I love you” in Spanish to a friend, then it is “te amo una amiga” (feminine term) and “te amo a un amigo” (masculine term). Both of them “I love you,” but in a friendly way.
  • However, ‘I like you can also be said as “Me gustas, ” but it has a romantic meaning, unlike “me caes bien.” This is mainly used between couples who just started dating.
  • “Me encantas” means “you enchant me” or “I adore you.” It is more romantic and serious in comparison to
  • “me gustas” but less than romantic and thoughtful than when you say “Te Quiero.”
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If you are wondering what to use for the family? Then use “te Quiero.” Its meaning is more platonic and can be used for pets as well.

Moreover, to express your love for objects use you can use “me encante,” which means “I strongly like” or “I am enchanted by.” Also, you can use “me gusta,” which means “I like.”


Again, there are few ways to say ‘beautiful’ in Spanish.

“Hermoso” or “Hermosa” means beautiful. But they have a powerful meaning which is similar to “gorgeous” or “striking.” Hence the common word that is used is “Bello” or “Bella,” which means ‘lovely’ or ‘beautiful.’

However, if you want to say “beauty,” then use “Belleza.” Use this when you are using it as a noun.


Use “Bonito” or “Bonita” if you want to say someone is pretty. This is casual than Hermosa and can also be used for anything. It means “you look nice,” so if you want to play it safe, use Bonita instead of Hermosa.

“Attractive” or “Handsome”

If you want to say ‘attractive’ or ‘handsome,’ then use “guapa” or “Guapo.” In Spain, it more common for women to hear Bonita, and for men, it is guapo. However, unlike English, both terms are not gender exclusive.

Guapo might be used for something or someone if you want to say ‘cool.’ For example, ‘this is so cool’ you can use guapo.

“I Love You with All of My Heart” 

“Te Quiero con todo mi corazón” means “I Love You with All of My Heart”. This phrase is only used by couples who are in a serious long-term relationship.

Moreover, it has a deeper meaning which you cannot fully translate into English. Hence only use it when you genuinely want to be with that person.

 “My Love” 

Now that you know ‘how do you say I love you in Spanish,’ you might want to call your partner by nicknames. ‘My love’ is one of the common terms to use. In Spanish, ‘mi amor’ address someone as ‘my love.’

Some other cute nicknames are:

  • Mi dulzura means “My sweetness.”
  • Mi Querido means “My dear”
  • Also, Mi Vida means “My life.”
  • Mi Rey means “My king.”
  • Also, Mi Reina means “My queen.”
  • Mi sol means “My sun.”
  • Ojos de angel means “Angel eyes”

Also, if you want to make them sound cuter, then add – ‘cito’ at the end. For example, mi Amor will become mi amorcito which means ‘my little love.’ It is used for everybody; however, primarily, it is used for pets or kids as it sounds cute in the sentences.

“You Are the Love of My Life” 

Eres el amor de mi vida is the

Perhaps an ideal phrase to whip out before you propose or you dedicate on your wedding day, “you’re the love of my life,” is seriously romantic and should only be used when you are in love. It is not a suitable one for a first date.

How Do You Say I Love You in Spanish to Express Your Feelings?

“You are the other half of me.”

In this case, you will find the term “Eres mi media Naranja” implies to

“you are the other half of me.”

However, it translates to ‘you are my half orange.’ It is a unique phrase and is primarily used for couples who are in a serious relationship. It is a humorous way of saying, “you are the better part of me.”

You might be wondering why use orange? Well, there are few theories about this phrase.

One of the theories is each orange will be unique and different from the other. Hence there is only one match for the other half of the orange.

Another theory was that dome or roof of the church is occasionally called ‘media Naranja in Spain. Hence it is believed that calling your partner ‘eres mi media Naranja’ also means you are saying they are from heaven.

Since it means ‘perfect match’ or ‘better half,’ it can also use as ‘my soulmate.’ However, to use ‘my soulmate,’ the Spanish word is alma gemela.

Alma gemela is used if you are serious about it, whereas eres mi media Naranja implies as the cause and more light-hearted.

“You Look Beautiful Tonight” 

You use Hermoso Esta Noche or Te ves Hermosa, which means ‘you look handsome/beautiful tonight.’ Also, it is a good compliment that can be used when you are on a date.

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Moreover, it does not have any strange or weird connotations which show your true feelings about your date.

“My Heart” 

Mi corazón is used if you want to utter the words ‘my heart’ in Spanish. Some of the romantic phrases you can use are:

  • Mi corazón es tuyo means “My heart is yours”
  • Mi corazón late por ti means “My heart beats for you”
  • Tienes todo, mi corazón means that “You have my heart completely.”
  • Te amo con todo mi corazón means “I have my heart full of love for you”

“My Darling”

After knowing how do you say I love you in Spanish, you might want to call your lover with cute nicknames. One of them is cariño which means darling. However, it has many different meanings behind it, such as dear, honey, sweetie, and love.

“My Heaven”

Cielo means sky. However, you can translate it to ‘paradise’ or ‘heaven’ as well. You can even make this phrase cuter by saying mi Cielito which means “my little (in a cute way) heaven.”

“My Baby”

Bebé means baby. It also implies babe when translated to English. However, in Spanish, nena is used if you want to use the word ‘babe.’


Cute does not have an exact translation in English. You can use few terms if you want to call someone cute.

You can use Rica or Rico for ‘cute’; however, you can use it to describe “rich” as well. Cute and rich don’t go together. It more or less has a dependency on the structure of the sentence.

Mona or mono means ‘cute’. It is mainly used as an adjective such as ‘nice looking dress.’

Lastly, Lindo or Linda can also convey the same message. Also, listo might be used for cute even though it means ‘prepared,’ ‘clever,’ and ‘ready.’


Few words have a similar meaning as amazing. Some of the are: 

  • Asombroso: ‘astounding’
  • Increíble: ‘incredible’
  • Maravilloso: ‘marvellous’

All of these words have a similar meaning. Hence you can use ‘eres increíble’ to call your partner amazing.

“I Have Feelings for You”

Tengo sentimientos por ti means

‘I have all my feelings for you,’ here sentimientos means ‘sentiment.’ However, in Spanish, this sentence sounds a little strange as sentimientos is mainly used to share general feelings and is not specific for loved ones.

Hence it is best to use ‘me encantas’ instead of ‘tengo sentimientos por ti’.

Moreover, if you are planning to tell people that you are dating or in love, there are few phrases you can use, such as:

  • If you want to say “I’m dating someone,” then say Estoy saliendo con alguien.
  • If you want to say, “I can’t stop thinking about him/her,” then tell him/her No Puedo Dejar de Pensar en él / Ella.
  • Estoy enamorada / enamorado means “I’m in love”
  • Amor verdadero means “True love”

“Will you Marry me?”

If you want to propose, then you must tell the opposite person this – Te casarías Conmigo. Hence if you are proposing someone use this phrase.

“How to Invite Someone on a Date?”

This is not a super romantic phrase but if you want to ask your crush on a date, use Quieres Pasar. The verbal translation of this phrase is ‘would you like to come in?’ and saying this, so someone means you have romantic feelings for them.

“I Can’t Live Without You.”

The last phrase in this list that you can use for your loved ones after knowing how do you say I love you in Spanish. If you want to say, ‘I am unable to stay without you, you will have to utter ”No Puedo Vivir sin ti” to mean it. However, there are a few other romantic phrases that you can use to express love:

  • “I’m thinking of you”: Estoy Pensando en ti
  • “I need you”: Te necesito
  • “I’m crazy about you”: Estoy loco por ti
  • “I miss you, my love” : Te echo de menos mi amor
  • “I want to be with you forever”: Quiero estar contigo para siempre
  • “You’re the love of my life”: Eres el Amor de mi Vida:
  • “I can’t wait to see you”: No Puedo esperar a verse

How to tell I Love You in Japanese?

In Japanese, you can say ”Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu” if you desire to say “I love you” to a person in Japanese.

In Japanese, it is spelt as わたしは、あなたを愛しています. So, if you wish to say to your partner, I love you, this is what you have to say!

Final Thoughts

Now that you know ‘how do you say I love you in Spanish’ and all the common affectionate phrases, you should now listen to these words so that you can pronounce them correctly. Even though the letters look similar to English, the pronunciation is very different.

Also, if you have learned this language, let us know which phrase you find tricky to pronounce in the comment section below.