How to Talk to a Girl Online for the First Time and Impress Her

The Covid Pandemic has shut us behind our doors and technically shut all communications behind the screen. However, credit to the digital revolution, this is not something new to our generation. Online dating sites were all over the World Wide Web much before the pandemic was a thing. So, many of the guys seem to have this question about how to talk to a girl online.

Well! It is not as hard as it seems from the outside. The windows to a woman’s heart are easy, be patient and listen to what she says.

For a long time, women have been accustomed to situations where the egoistic male dominance of society overpowers them. Thus, if you want to break through the wall that a woman creates around her, first and foremost, be empathetic.

Not that your girl won’t survive without your empathy, but that’s a good way to start. The problem with on-screen dating is that you don’t see your faces. However, that can be played to your advantage also.

Being you get a bit more filtered if not spontaneous. Spend time with her online, and both of you will get to know the crevices of your mind. But the question as to how to talk to a girl online remains.

The most obvious step is to create your profile on any online dating site you prefer. Have some matches with some girls. But how to start your conversation with them is what will bother you.

How to talk to a girl online

How to talk to a girl online?

Even if it feels very frightening to be yourself behind the screen, the cocoon has to move out of its shell. It’s your time. You have to initiate contact so that they come to know about you. Getting out of your comfort zone can even bring you medals in Olympics. So, don’t get laid back. Now is your time to take the leap of faith. This is your answer to the question of how to talk to a girl online.

However, that might even hurt your expectation at some point in time. You might not get a reply, she might avoid you, or maybe she won’t even bother to text you back. You may feel sad. But who can say, in this trial and error game, you can find your cool Juliet also.

Another thing that you should keep in mind is, not everyone over here is looking for a steady relationship. So, deal with that accordingly!

As was said earlier, if you think everything is bad about online dating, then you are wrong. Rather that is a boon for you if you are not very comfortable talking to unknown persons. Even if you think the question as to how to start a conversation with an unknown girl online is a bit difficult, but that’s the best call for you, at least in the beginning. Once you are done with your introduction part, fly to Italy while sitting at your restaurant table, that won’t be anyone’s concern.

Pros of online dating

Online dating is like an open diary. You can very well study the profile of the girl you intend to talk to. The interests of the girl, the shows that she hypes about, are good openers. How to talk to a girl online will be as easy as remembering your palm lines if you read that girl’s profile first.

You get the hang of what sort of relationship that girl is interested in. She can be single, ready to mingle, or even be in a relationship and still try someone else. You set your own password in such cases.

Time is something compelling you get as your instrument in online dating. Undoubtedly, you lose spontaneity. But who wants to be that spontaneous on the very first date. Spontaneity is something stacked for your fifty-first dates. Here you get all the time to think and reply craftily.

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Sometimes something dumb slips out of our tongue. Oftentimes that’s a Freudian slip. But the tendencies of those slips are less in online dating. Because before you type, you carefully filter all your thoughts and then pour them online. Even if you say something that is utterly dumb, your share of embarrassment is much less than face-to-face dating.

On top of it, if you see you got a date saved for yourself, then best of luck, get your girl. The answer to how to talk to a girl online can lead you to some of the coolest dates if you can craft your answer tactfully.

Easy ways to talk to a girl

There are some easy steps to find your perfect dating partner online. Also, you get your answer on how to start a conversation with an unknown girl.

Finding Fanny

First, look her up on google. From there, you will get a list of her social media handles. Then you send her a friend request but don’t go over the top. If you seem desperate and nagging to her, that will be the first step of retreat for her.

Then look her up on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. But don’t give her a hint that you have stalked her. If conversation progresses, then subtly bring up any of the details from your stalking. This not only surprises her but also is a sign of patience and composure.

An attractive profile

Similarly, set your own profile carefully. Even if you send a very thoughtful message, she will be more interested in your profile, your pictures, your posts, and from there, she will conjure up an image of yours. The vibrancy of that image is your key. So, keep that magic in your profile.

Another important thing is your statement of purpose. No kidding, the way this helps you in an academic domain, similarly, if you write truthfully as to why you need a meaningful relationship, then that can be your opener as well.

Well, have a good bio that is brief yet attractive. Be honest about your preference for women. Also, never assert yourself directly. Let that reading of lines be left with those interested in you. Your job is to leave those subtleties out for someone to read them.

Also, your photos should tell a lot about you. Stay away from dark and artistic ones. Be a little cheerful and vibrant in your photos.

Originality can get you anywhere

Understand her through her profile. Start uniquely. If you fall on the same line with other guys, chances are very less that she will even text you back.

Talk about her interests. Talk in a catchy way. While doing that, do maintain some distance. Getting too close will creep her out, and that is something which you will avoid at the very first.

Even if both of you don’t share any common likings, ask her something unique to her interest. It would help if you had research on the same to have that base. But homework provides a good impression, be that in school or here on dating sites!

If she is a music lover, talk with lyrics in your chat. This will entertain her and will keep her hooked to talk to you.

Honesty is the insurance of a good dating

Be honest if you don’t have any topic left. This might end the conversation for then. But this is better than dried-up conversations. Basically, this leaves space for initiating another conversation some other day.

Be a grammar nazi

Grammar should be perfect. Net-speak is prohibited. Learn these lines up as if you are learning Qoran. These are your mantras. Any deviation from these might collapse the entire façade that you have so carefully put up.

How to talk to a girl online

Show your strengths

Sorry, but you are no Mr. Perfect. This will soften your ego a bit, and that’s a must for any relationship in society.

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You might have some pros that other guys lack. So, please utilize them.

Show her that your sense of humor is high. Don’t tell offensive jokes, obviously. Maintaining your decency, keep up with the girl’s mood.

You can be a little self-deprecating, but that should not be for pity, rather for making conversations funny. Vulnerability is something that should come a little later.

If romance is indeed your cup of tea, then go a little deeper and ask her out. That should not have over-exaggerations. It should sound smooth and like a casual date!


Here is a well where every guy fails while trying to compliment a girl but is fake about it. Don’t compliment her; that’s way better than using fake compliments. Read her, understand where she excels, and then share some genuine good thoughts about it. This shows that you are not desperate to win her attention, and you are not afraid to be opinionated in any dire circumstances. This is a keynote for the answer to how to talk to a girl online.

Lastly, you should avoid any and every common mistake. Hi/hello and pick-up lines are a no-no as conversation starters, so are typos and net-typing. Don’t be a narcissist. Avoid generic topics and never post mirror-selfies in your display picture.

Now all of these you will have to do without being a creep.

How to talk to a girl online without being creepy

Be a little choosy as to when and where you start your conversation. Non-dating sites or maybe gaming sites are not all good places to start your conversation. Those are places where people come to chill and relax. If you start flirting there out rightly, that might look very desperate and unwanted to the girl. So, pick up the right place; maybe several dating sites online are the right place to get going.

Well, everywhere, be that online or offline, consent is a must. Decently ask the person if that is the right time to have a little chat. You can directly express your desire to talk instead of hanging around mindlessly. This can also break that wall of ice.

The compliments should be classy and honest. If you keep on whining about how beautiful she looks in a particular garment, then that’s very cheesy and undesirable. Don’t make comments on her body. Also, never use slang on the first go.

Your intentions should be apparent in your conversations. If you don’t want your relationship to collapse the moment you start, then be truthful. Talk openly but decently. You can even talk about politics and religion. Spirituality is a new trend nowadays. Explore new ways of engaging with her. Don’t hinge on the boring ones.

How to talk to a girl online

Don’t really get too personal at the first meeting.  Remember this is your first meeting and chat. No one wants to open up that easily. In fact, you can even shy away if she wants to tell you something. That will be a marker of your decency.

However, you should never keep your personal details hidden. Because online dating actually provides you that privacy but you shouldn’t take advantage of that. Share your relationship status, dietary information. This will make her feel that you are not pretending, and neither is you hiding something from her.

As the saying goes, all’s well that ends well. So, it would help if you were yourself even when you are ending the conversation. Even then, keep out your creepy self.

You can say that you are free all evening, and if she shares her number, you two can have a chat over the phone while sipping your own tea.

Also, don’t forget to say that you aren’t really there for the whole day. Don’t let her take you for granted. So, you can ask her if she is free at that particular time the next day. That can end your conversation well.

You might also ask her if she wants to meet in the real world and give her a choice to pick any place she wants.

Final Thoughts

So, online conversations normally turn out to be a little awkward for many girls. But if you let her have the space she needs, it’s not very difficult either. Also, your first conversation should not be a think tank. You don’t need to talk about everything right at the beginning. Always remember, “Slow but steady wins the race.”