70+ Quotes About Strong Woman To Honor And Respect Woman

Woman is the most strongest person in this world. Though they might be less physically stronger than men but they are mentally far much stronger than any man in this world. A woman is someone who just gives sacrifices for others, first, they sacrifice for parents than for husband and in the end for children. They deserve more respect and love rather than hatred. It doesn’t matter a woman is of which shape size and color they all should be treated equally with love and respect.
In this era in some parts of the world, women are treated very badly yet they don’t lose their calm and stay strong mentally and handle things and try to fix them. A strong woman is a person who can do anything and can bare anything in this world. Some women don’t get a chance to study or do things as their way, yet they don’t complain about it and live as they lived earlier. It is not fair that people just give respect and honor them on mother’s day, women’s day, Raksha Bandhan, they should be given respect on each day.
You can do little things such as a text or a letter to make them smile for all the women who bare so much in their daily life, for that we have listed some great Quotes About Strong Woman to send all the strong woman and to show them how much more they deserve in this life.

Quotes About Strong Woman

“Truly powerful woman don’t explain why they want respect. They simply don’t engage with those who don’t give it to them.”

“Truly powerful woman don’t explain why they want respect. They simply don’t engage with those who don’t give it to them.”

“Strong women don’t have attitudes. They have standards.”

“Strong women don’t have attitudes. They have standards.”

“The weakest thing a man can do is to talk about his woman to another woman.”

“The weakest thing a man can do is to talk about his woman to another woman.”

“A woman’s body makes her sexy, their smile makes her pretty but it’s a good heart and soul that makes her absolute beautiful.”

“A woman’s body makes her sexy, their smile makes her pretty but it’s a good heart and soul that makes her absolute beautiful.”

“A strong woman may remain silent when people talk behind her back, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t notice, it simply means she chooses not to waste her energy on foolishness. She has more important things to do.”

“Behind every great woman, I pray will be another great woman, whispering “you’ve got this” in her ear.”

“She is both hellfire and holy water. And the flavor you taste depends on how you treat her.”

“She is both hellfire and holy water. And the flavor you taste depends on how you treat her.”

“Whenever I speak to a strong woman I always want to ask; “what demons did you have to slay?”

“Whenever I speak to a strong woman I always want to ask; “what demons did you have to slay?”

“When a man realizes that his woman is a teammate, not an opponent, that’s when his life changes. Don’t break her down. Build her up and let her help you win.”

“When a man realizes that his woman is a teammate, not an opponent, that’s when his life changes. Don’t break her down. Build her up and let her help you win.”

“Think I finally reached the point where I don’t care anymore, I’m a good person, I can’t force people to see my worth.”

“Think I finally reached the point where I don’t care anymore, I’m a good person, I can’t force people to see my worth.”

“Silence is a woman’s loudest cry. You can always tell she’s really hurt when she starts ignoring you.”

“Silence is a woman’s loudest cry. You can always tell she’s really hurt when she starts ignoring you.”

“Nothing in this world is guaranteed, but unstoppable is she who still fights for what she wants and what she believes.”

“Nothing in this world is guaranteed, but unstoppable is she who still fights for what she wants and what she believes.”

“I’m a good woman, but one thing I won’t do is force a man to realize that. If he doesn’t realize that on his own, it’s his loss.”

“I’m a good woman, but one thing I won’t do is force a man to realize that. If he doesn’t realize that on his own, it’s his loss.”

“When a woman is talking to you, listen to what she says with her eyes.”

“When a woman is talking to you, listen to what she says with her eyes.”

“I admire woman who could’ve turned cold after everything they’ve been through but still chose love anyway. There’s strength in that.”

“I admire woman who could’ve turned cold after everything they’ve been through but still chose love anyway. There’s strength in that.”

“Never beg, never apologize, never low your grade. Be a woman with a classy attitude.”

“Never beg, never apologize, never low your grade. Be a woman with a classy attitude.”

“Woman who say they don’t need anybody went through a lot of shit alone.”

“Woman who say they don’t need anybody went through a lot of shit alone.”

“She’s not cold-hearted, she’s just tired of getting fucked over.”

“She’s not cold-hearted, she’s just tired of getting fucked over.”

“I’m a strong woman everything that’s hit me in life, I’ve dealt with. I’ve cried myself to sleep, picked myself back up and wiped my tears. I’ve grown from things that were meant to break me. I get stronger by the day, and have a god to thank for that.”


“A woman can’t stop a man from lying and keeping stuff from her but she damn she can let his ass go.”


“She quietly stepped out of the race she never wanted to be in finding her own lane and proceed to win.”


“A glowing woman can help other women glow and still be lit you know.”


“The most real females don’t be wanting shit but food, time, attention, & the truth.”


“Never go back to an old love, no matter how strong it is, because it’s like reading a book over and over again when you already know how it ends.”


“Be strong enough to walk away from what isn’t best for you, and be patient enough to wait for the blessings you deserve.”


“Sometimes the strongest women are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight a battle that nobody knows about.”


“Yes I’m single with no intention of looking for a guy. This time I’m gonna let him find me.”


“Every man needs a good woman in his life. Even if she is just his friend. A good woman adds value to a man’s life, no matter what capacity she serves in.”


“Now, every time I witness a strong person, I want to know: what dark did you conquer in your story? Mountains do not rise without earthquakes.”


“If you break someone and they still wish you the best, you’ve lost the greatest thing for you.”


“A woman who knows what she brings to the table is not afraid to eat alone.”


“A woman becomes a reflection of how you treat her. If you don’t like how she’s acting, look at how you are treating her.”


“There’s nothing beautiful than a woman that focuses on her career, goals, and her ambitions. she’s not worried about being single because she knows God is going to send her husband right on time.”


“They say you don’t know what you have till it’s gone I say you know exactly what you had you just thought you’d never lose it.”


“A woman never forgets how a man treated her during the times she needed his support the most.”


“I want my daughter to be kind but I also want her to know that she can throat punch someone if she needs to.”


“Every woman deserves to have a partner who is proudly willing to say the whole world: yeah she is my one and only. “She is beautiful and she is mine.”


“Woman get to a point in their life, where it’s not about lust anymore, it’s about having a real man to love, trust and have her back.”


“A girl changes into a full woman when she realizes a man getting off work is more attractive than a man coming home off the block.”


“Be a woman that wakes up with purpose and intent. Be that woman that shows up and never gives up. Be that woman that believes anything is possible and is willing to work for it.”


“Woman was created from man’s rib. Not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be superior over, but from his side to be equal, under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved.”


“There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise.”


“It’s okay to be the mom who focuses on what you gain as your child grows and becomes more independent versus focusing on what is lost as they get older.”


“I’m not going to complain about you not texting me back, if I’m not worth your attention then ok that’s when I start to lose interest.”

These were some of our top picked Quotes About Strong Woman, keep following The Quotepedia for more wonderful and motivational quotes

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