What Application Cloud Technology Has in Education

Education and technology are two inseparable fields. Tech and education were merging throughout the decades. Both educators and learners leverage different tech solutions. And the purposes for this are many, including making the process of studying more effective, simple, and stress-free.- Application Cloud Technology 

These days, one of the biggest trends in the educational sector is cloud technology. Read on to learn about the top six applications of such solutions that we can already observe in modern schools.

Diversity in Education

Everyone who’s been in a school or college knows how challenging and boring it can be. Students receive tons of new information and have to deal with the same kinds of assignments daily. Eventually, the high load and the lack of diversity make students bored and kill their motivation to study. Due to this fact, no wonder why students choose to pay for paper on Writepaper.com to get rid of boring assignments without letting their grades drop. After all, how can they still enjoy writing papers if they do it literally every day?

Although this issue is real. Cloud technologies are already helping teachers change this. One of the main applications of such solutions in this field is to create more diversity in education.

How can cloud-based tools help? Educators can create different virtual activities that diversify a boring traditional study program. This includes things like:

  • Classroom presentations;
  • Online tests;
  • Virtual labs, etc.

These and other things can make learning more exciting. Thus, it helps keep students engaged and motivated.

Improved Communication

Another way schools leverage such technologies is to streamline communication between teachers and students. Various cloud communications solutions have been around for a long time. They enable people to stay in touch all the time, regardless of the distance between users.

Such solutions have multiple uses in education. First of all, using such tools, teachers can communicate with students online, answer their questions, provide support, and, thus, create a better rapport with them.

For learners themselves, such tools also have plenty of benefits. Not only do they let them stay in touch with their teachers, but also they let learners interact with each other. This helps create a stronger bond between all students in a class and promotes collaborative learning. As a result, this also positively affects their engagement and overall performance.

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Access to the Necessary Tools and Resources- Application Cloud Technology 

We have long gotten used to leveraging different gadgets and tools in our everyday life. All the tech tools and resources out there are meant to make our lives easier and less stressful. These days, there are already plenty of tools that offer educational benefits too. And many of them are built with the help of cloud computing.

To give you a few examples here, the cloud-based tools that you might be already using include:

  • Google Docs/Sheets/Slides
  • Apple Pages
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Apple iCloud
  • Dropbox
  • SugarSync, etc.

These and many other similar tools are inherent in almost every student’s life these days. They are designed to help you create and store files, sync your data across multiple devices, exchange files with other users, and perform a wide range of other activities too. Needless to say, such solutions are also often used for learning purposes.

This brings us to one more application of cloud technologies in education – they provide both students and teachers with access to the latest handy tools. And these tools make the process of learning much simpler and way more enjoyable.

Fully Remote Instruction- Application Cloud Technology 

One of the most notable ways we already use cloud technologies in education is to launch fully remote instruction in schools and colleges. Cloud-based learning management systems (LMS), for example, Google Classroom, are not new to us. Such LMSs have been around for a long time. But, now, in the era of Covid and global lockdowns, leveraging such tools in education looks more like a necessity than an opportunity.

In the case of LMS, cloud technologies offer schools a chance to create and implement fully virtual courses. On the one hand, as was seen during the peak of the pandemic, such solutions can contribute to learning continuity. With the help of such LMSs, educational facilities can function effectively under any circumstances, even when students and teachers are physically unable to be present in a classroom.

On the other hand, such solutions also offer more flexibility and affordability in the educational sector. With their help, institutions can shift part of their student bodies online. This way, they can cut down the drain on school resources and, at the same time, offer more affordable tuition fees to their students. As for flexibility, such online courses can be more accessible for students.

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Online Courses

Apart from remote college instruction, cloud technologies are used in the educational sector to deliver independent online courses to students of all ages. Lately, services like Coursera, Khan Academy, and similar are on the rise. These services provide online classes, lectures, and even full-fledged certification courses on all topics and subjects. Thus, they turn the concept of lifelong learning into reality.

There are plenty of uses for such courses. School and college students can use them to gain more in-depth knowledge in the subjects they study or learn something completely new. Also, younger learners can use such services to try themselves in different fields and discover their passions, which is not always possible in traditional school settings.

Professionals leverage such services to boost their qualifications, get certified, or acquire the skills and knowledge they need to develop personally and professionally.

All this would be impossible without the cloud. So, this is one more way how these technologies are applied in learning.

Predictive Analytics and Big Data- Application Cloud Technology 

Another application of these technologies in education is to make the most of student-related data. Cloud computing has made it possible for us to use predictive analytics and Big Data for various purposes. Schools use this opportunity to mine more data about their students.

This includes tracking and collecting data about learners’ academic progress and success. These days, teachers rely on Big Data to measure their performance and other metrics. Once this data is collected, they leverage predictive analytics to gain vital insights on student engagement, retention, and similar things.

What are the benefits of this? There are plenty of them. But, most importantly, Big Data and predictive analytics enable teachers to eliminate the guesswork in their programs and deliver better student experiences.

The Bottom Line

So, these were some of the most significant and notable applications of cloud computing in classrooms that we can observe these days. Apart from the applications described above, of course, there are many other ways to use such technologies in education. And the range of possible applications extends literally every day as these technologies develop and advance further.

According to many experts, cloud computing and related solutions have a huge potential. They are already shaping the future of education. 

Institutions of all levels and all over the world are actively adopting such technologies. They do this to deliver better student experiences, boost engagement and make the learning process simple. In the future, we expect to see an even deeper integration of such solutions into the academic curriculum. Can’t wait to see what other innovations are yet to come!