60+ Black And White Quotes To Show Beauty Of Black & White Color

Ever wondered if there will be no colors in this world except Black And White then what will happen. The world without any red, blue, purple, orange, green, yellow how it will look like. There will be just Black And White color with no differentiation, it will be so easy to live especially for the people who have the problem of color blind. All the people who lack to see colors will feel equal to every other person without any inferiority complex. Photographers who love to click photos in a dark night and who edit photos just in black and white color will love that kind of world and will click more and more amazing photos.
On the one hand, it can be a drawback also, the world without colors will just look very dry in nature. All will miss that beautiful catchy colors which attract eyes and show the beauty of mother nature. Especially painters will miss the colors as colors are their life. We can wish for a black and white world but can’t stay in that world for a long time. We are bind to colors and towards its attractiveness. Sometimes colors don’t touch to heart as black and white express more than any other color in this world. Every color is made by adding black or white to it.
Black represents Devil, Darkness, whereas White represents Angel, Light. This shows that life is made up of good as well as bad, both go side by side, hand in hand. Without one, there is no existence of others. We have listed top Black And White Quotes which will inspire you and will make you understand what Black And White teaches.

Black And White Quotes

“Black and white photography has the potential to make any photographer a better photographer.”

“Black and white photography has the potential to make any photographer a better photographer.”

“The world is in color, you have to work at black and white.”

“The world is in color, you have to work at black and white.”

“I work in color sometimes, but I guess the images I most connect to, historically speaking, are in black and white. I see more in black and white – I like the abstraction of it.”

“I work in color sometimes, but I guess the images I most connect to, historically speaking, are in black and white. I see more in black and white – I like the abstraction of it.”

“Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.”

“Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.”

“With black and white photography, what you have to say counts more than the way you say it.”

“With black and white photography, what you have to say counts more than the way you say it.”

“Perhaps I am old-fashioned, but black and white films still hold an affectionate place in my heart; they have an incomparable mystique and mood.”

“Perhaps I am old-fashioned, but black and white films still hold an affectionate place in my heart; they have an incomparable mystique and mood.”

“Black and white can transform a scene into something magical.”

“Black and white can transform a scene into something magical.”

“Which is probably the reason why I work exclusively in black and white… to highlight that contrast.”

“Which is probably the reason why I work exclusively in black and white… to highlight that contrast.”

“There’s something strange and powerful about black-and-white imagery.”

“There’s something strange and powerful about black-and-white imagery.”

“Color is descriptive. Black and white is interpretive.”

“Color is descriptive. Black and white is interpretive.”

“One sees differently with color photography than black-and-white… in short, visualization must be modified by the specific nature of the equipment and materials being used.”

“One sees differently with color photography than black-and-white… in short, visualization must be modified by the specific nature of the equipment and materials being used.”

“In the ’70s, in Britain, if you were going to do serious photography, you were obliged to work in black-and-white. Color was the palette of commercial photography and snapshot photography.”

“In the '70s, in Britain, if you were going to do serious photography, you were obliged to work in black-and-white. Color was the palette of commercial photography and snapshot photography.”

“What I love about Black & White photographs is that they’re more like reading the book than seeing the movie.”

“What I love about Black & White photographs is that they’re more like reading the book than seeing the movie.”

“When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in Black and white, you photograph their souls!”

“When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in Black and white, you photograph their souls!”

“Black and White allows me to detach from the cliche ‘souvenir photo’ approach to photography.”

“Black and White allows me to detach from the cliche ‘souvenir photo’ approach to photography.”

“Black and white creates a strange dreamscape that color never can.”

“Black and white creates a strange dreamscape that color never can.”

“I prefer black and white and portrait photography. I like old, you know, interesting faces, so I think black and white brings out the contrast.”

“I prefer black and white and portrait photography. I like old, you know, interesting faces, so I think black and white brings out the contrast.”

“Maybe black and white is the best medium for landscapes, I don’t know.”


“I work in colour sometimes, but I guess the images I most connect to, historically speaking, are in black and white. I see more in black and white – I like the abstraction of it.” 


“Mortals. Everything is so black and white to you.”


“Light is meaningful only in relation to darkness, and truth presupposes error. It is these mingled opposites which people our life, which make it pungent, intoxicating. We only exist in terms of this conflict, in the zone where black and white clash.”


“My philosophy, like color television, is all there in black and white”


“I don’t know why we work, my husband and I. We just do. We are black and white – yin and yang.”


“Books bring alluring colors to our mundane black and white world.”


“When you’re the victim of the behavior, it’s black and white; when you’re the perpetrator, there are a million shades of gray.”


“Celluloid will be the next decade’s black and white.”


“It is not that Shakespeare’s art is in technicolor and fancy, and that real life is black and white and tedious. The life that Shakespeare was living was the only life he had, and he had to use it to create what he was doing.”


“Diversity doesn’t mean black and white only.”


“Life isn’t black and white. It’s a million gray areas, don’t you find?”


“The way I was brought up by my parents and guided through my football life by the influences of various managers means that in some ways I am black and white.”


“It’s not hard to get your way when it’s your way or the highway. People either follow suit or they’re not around. I don’t really like the sound of that, ’cause that sounds like a temper tantrum. I’m just very black and white when it comes to my business. There’s really no gray area.”


“It’s about you. If you win, it’s you; if you lose, it’s you. Black and white. Nowhere to hide.”


“In tragedy, it’s hard to find a good resolution; it’s not black and white: it’s a big fog of gray.


“I work in colour sometimes, but I guess the images I most connect to, historically speaking, are in black and white. I see more in black and white – I like the abstraction of it.”


“Things are not quite so simple always as black and white.”


“Morality: The theory that every human act must either be right or wrong, and that 99% of them are wrong.”


“I do not say a proverb is amiss when aptly and reasonably applied, but to be forever discharging them, right or wrong, hit or miss, renders conversation insipid and vulgar.”


“Know the difference between principles based on right or wrong vs. principles based on personal gain, and consider the basis of your own principles.”


“The most colorful thing in the world is black and white, it contains all colors and at the same time excludes all.”


“No person is completely wicked, just as no person is perfect. We are all grey.”


“It’s not easy taking your own advice, accepting what you don’t like hearing, and seeing the grey amongst the black & white.”


“Loo, life is black and white. You don’t know what’s good for you, because you don’t see the black and white! You don’t see where the black lines end and where the white lines begin! You’re going to grow up to be no good if you keep on that way. It’s impractical. I only have one child, and I won’t have her growing up to be impractical. I can’t think of a worse thing to be than impractical.”


“For grey matter, there is no black and white. If you think in black and white, then you do not use enough brain functions.”


“Black and white is mix of toughest simplicity and easiest complexity.”


“Things are always either black or white. The grey in between is only a confusion.”


“Nothing is ever black and white. You should know that by now. It’s all how you survive the grey.”


“Don’t ever let the light of your soul dim, even if the world seems black and white.”


“Even when your life is full of color, you still need to be reminded that things come in black and white.”


“If you look beyond the lies, then you will see the truth. Remember: Just because it’s black and white, doesn’t automatically make it a zebra.”


“It’s because I know that life is really black and white that I miss my life of colors.”


“A zebra will never see the funny side of things because he is always thinking in black & white.”


“Science attempts to analyze how things and people and animals behave; it has no concern whether this behavior is good or bad, is purposeful or not. But religion is precisely the quest for such answers: whether an act is right or wrong, good or bad, and why.”


“You know, one of the things I like about this world, or at least I like about the way we’re presenting this world, is these issues are terribly complicated, not nearly as black and white as we’re led to believe.”

These were some of our top picked Black And White Quotes, keep following The Quotepedia for more wonderful and motivational quotes

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