Top 62 Soulmate Quotes for Your Platonic Relationship

Paulo Coelho once wrote in his book Alchemist that if we intend to do something good from the core of our heart, then the universe conspires to make that happen to us. Well, this is somewhat true for this soulmate thing too. You might not find your soulmate at the very moment you are trying to find, but if your search is true and real, one day or the other, you will find a person with whom you would want to spend the rest of your life. Here are some top soulmate quotes which you can share with your soulmate when both of you find each other.

Even though the perceptions of soulmates vary, but most commonly, it is a love bond or an intense friendship bond. Some believe that soulmates are the persons with whom you share your souls since the millennium. This is the life you got together. Even if you get separated later, still your souls would be together.

The less spiritual ones take this as a connection to share a good laugh, a hard cry or a silence, or even quarrels.

Soulmate quotes

For many of you, the wait is over; here is a list of soulmate quotes for you too. Immerse deep and enjoy.

Irrespective of what soulmate means, here are some beautifully real soulmate quotes for you.

  1. If you find your soulmate, he will bring life to your life.
  2. A best friend is someone where you can find your soulmate, and that is true love.
  3. If you love someone, you don’t need words to understand that; silence is enough.
  4. You don’t really find a soulmate; you recognize one.
  5. Your soulmate and you complete each other form into a whole composite being.
  6. Maybe I share the same star as you; hence I have got the feeling of loving you since genesis.
  7. No one can love you the way I can in this whole world.
  8. Soulbond is hard to find, even if you manage to find your soulmate.
  9. I don’t have faith in the soulmate concept, but my wish to be your soulmate overwhelms all rationale.
  10. Twin flames can be dangerous too often, but how they manage to bring the best from each other and expose the rest to each other is unsurpassable.
  11. A soulmate won’t let you sink in drudgery. It will connect you to their soul and reconnect you with your soul once again.
  12. If you believe truly in the existence of your soulmate somewhere, then there are a hundred windows for them to enter your life.
  13. You don’t love a perfect person; rather, love an imperfect one perfectly.

Beautiful Soulmate Quotes Which Will Melt Your Soulmate’s Heart

Spiritual soulmate quotes

If you are little inclined towards the spiritual life, here are some perfect spiritual soulmate quotes for you:

  1. If you are on the right path and accomplish your own soul mission, then finding your soulmate is like your prize for your hard work.
  2. A soulmate is a person you feel so close with that you keep on wondering why both of you don’t share the same skin.
  3. Well, not all soulmate connections are romantic connections. At times in life, we get them at times when we really need them.
  4. Soulmates of ours have journeyed with us through lifetimes and endured many things together. Marriage mates aren’t always soulmates. Soulmates may not end up in a contract but still will always be bonded.
  5. Beauty expresses itself when a soul contends.
  6. Love is about courage. If you are brave, you fight for it against the universe, and if you are a coward, you give in to the universe.
  7. The moment I had seen you, I had felt a connection towards you, as if the whole life flashed in a Nanosecond. The attraction was this immense.
  8. Soulmates teach us what no parents, no teachers, no gurus in the universe ever can.
  9. We are forced to commit to someone with who we didn’t share any soul connection. But then we mend it, repair it which my take even a lifetime.
  10. I want someone where I can find answers. Who will tell me what to wear, what to read, what to think, what to eat, what to opine about, where to go, which band to follow, which restaurant to eat, what not to have anger about, who can calm me, relax me, make me feel myself, with whom I can be comfortable, more than I am in my very own skin, I need someone to rest my heads on.
  11. At that very moment, both of them knew they were there for each other, that they both could understand each other. They held their hands and breathed through the sunset pondering upon this realization together.
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Beautiful Soulmate Quotes Which Will Melt Your Soulmate’s Heart

Finding a soulmate

If you really wish to make your partner your soulmate for life, you need to unlearn many things. You need to know that soulmates aren’t really always meant for an existing lifetime with you physically. Your soulmate relationship might be two days long or two months long. Time here has no role to play, really.

Finding a soulmate isn’t a one-time thing that you miss a chance and never find another. It doesn’t work like ways. You get multiple chances at times which are easier for you. This isn’t any compulsion. This is to make you feel good. Don’t let it act harshly on you. Checking out some of the best finding a soulmate quotes:

  1. Love makes you tread the roads not taken, the paths you dared not to have your eyes upon.
  2. Love is weird. It’s hard to find. It takes courage. That’s why I need you.
  3. A soulmate isn’t singular. It is oftentimes multiple. You can find your soul connection in your partner, friend, lover, or even child. It’s as if you are on a mission on this earth to complete along with your soulmate; without that, the work would be incomplete.
  4. Your connection and your sharing of bond with your soulmate are as spontaneous as the flow of the river; it can never be forced.
  5. You don’t always see yourself in the most positive ways in the mirror that your friends offer. If that is the case, then it’s not true friendship.
  6. Love takes courage, but those who don’t want to take that plunge suffer from a hollowness that love always fulfills.
  7. Your soulmate isn’t someone who will agree with you on all notes of life. It’s not an easy path, nor is it a utopic path. Get real.
  8. Your soulmate’s way of life won’t exactly match yours but will definitely complement yours.
  9. The greatest joy is when two persons feel the bond to achieve things together, even when all waves are crashing hard against a ship sailing alone in a stormy sea.
  10. No two souls meet accidentally.
  11. Soulmates don’t really mean that you don’t have conflicts. Rather, it’s the faith that no matter how bitter the conflict is, it can be resolved without losing respect for any of the two.
  12. Souls outlive eternity. Give someone a part of a soul rather than a part of a heart.
  13. A soulmate connection isn’t a finished race. It’s the desire to finish a race together; it’s the wish to live the ongoing moment together. Basically, it’s a process.
  14. Soulmates throw you into the abyss, and they are the lights of hope.
  15. Soulmate connections are not really similar to locks and keys. We desire to open our doors when we are ready ourselves. Each reveals the better of the one at the other end.
  16. Love ages with ages, and gradually it takes the form of burning coal. It stays silently and burning deep, which no rain can ever quench.
  17. Soulmates aren’t always permanent. Once the task that you ought to perform together reaches completion, soulmates move on.
  18. Soulmates are basically like fleeting jets. They leave a trail even when they aren’t physically there.
  19. You can never find endings in love stories that are real.
  20. All the great love stories in the world have the last number of words because soulmate love isn’t about words; it’s about actions and moves and understanding in silence.
  21. Soulmates aren’t there to give you the best compliments. Rather they will help you grow and nurture and nourish yourself.
  22. Soulmates are like two seeds sown in the same soil. They take nourishment from each other to grow into their full world of happiness.
  23. Not always do you have to find your soulmate in your partner or your husband. At some point, you will surely meet a group of friends when you feel like destiny and divinity made this meeting happen.
  24. Don’t just marry because you have to marry. Search for the one single chair where you feel the greatest comfort. Before that, you have to undergo a trial and error process.
  25. When I see grass growing in rocks, I feel assured. I, too, can be loved whenever and wherever I want.
  26. So, here you go, some of the best soulmate quotes are here served on a platter in front of you.
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Cute soulmate quotes

Next on the list is some of the cute soulmate quotes. Maybe you, along with your soulmate, can take a stride back home after a romantic and date and then cuddle up in your bed while anyone of you reads these cute soulmate quotes for them. Check some of the those below:

  1. If you fly like a bird, I will chase you like a bird. Leave trails all over the sky, and I will follow the path to reach your nest. Just make sure to leave some space beside you. Will you?
  2. The presence of a soulmate is permanent, in your heart and your body, if not physically. Your soulmate is actually that person who believed, accepted, and loved you when no person knew you or when nobody was by your side.
  3. The connection between soulmates isn’t mathematical. You will despise them the most, disrespect them too but desire them the most as well. They are like your muses. You are your best version when you are with them.
  4. How does one accommodate all the likes and dislikes of a person and then assert that they love that person, thought she. The soulmate from the other corner of the universe whisperingly replied, because never about accommodating the other; it’s always about both of them working hard to make ends meet.
  5. They never stopped fighting, but they also never stopped and paused to give up on each other.
  6. You will know whenever you stand in love. Because, finally, you do not have to think about staying with the person you love in your dreams; he is sitting right across you.
  7. The same component that has made your soul has made mine. Even when we dissolve, our love will exist through these dissolved components.
  8. Soulmates are born to outlast civilizations. The air we breathed will last longer than we live. Our love will spread through that air and embrace civilizations through time, space, and into eternity.
  9. We all have hearts as our organs. But not all are worth living life to the brim. The ones which could be understood through silence is the heart I long to live and love.
  10. Even if you forget me, remember not a single moment passes when I am not thinking something about you.
  11. Skins aren’t getting way too much love. Stand in love with the soul of your lover before touching their skin. Only then can you call it true love.
  12. Sometimes we cannot really find a rational explanation for why two souls clicked and stayed as it is presently. Maybe it is like that only. A butterfly coming through the prison holes someday and making it feel like a garden all of a sudden, without reason, without thought.

So, go ahead, dear friends, take these soulmate quotes in your pockets in mind, and unravel them all radiantly before your lover and plunge deep into an ocean of love, friendship, happiness, and whatever bond you feel with your soulmate.