70+ Dumb And Dumber Quotes To Laugh Hard

Dumb And Dumber is an American Comedy movie written by Peter Farrelly Bobby Farrelly Bennett Yellin and it was released in 1994. The story shows about two dumb but honest friends who sets out on a journey to return a briefcase of money to its owner as they thought the case was lost, eventually, the case was left as ransom money. Though they both friends were dumb to return the money but were honest and lived with dignity. 

There are many lessons we can learn from this dumb movie;

1 Don’t live seriously: Don’t take life seriously, just live and laugh. Life is very short to live seriously. Just take every moment lightly whether it’s happy or sad.

  1. Attitude: Keep your attitude positive, so that you can keep your first impression. The first impression is last so make sure to spread positive vibes by a positive attitude. 
  2. Respect: Always respect elders as they have more experience than you and are bigger than you in age.
  3. Optimism: stay optimistic in all situations and in impossible situations. Optimism will help you to cope with stress and will give you a clear idea of what to do. 

These were some of the fantastic lessons from the movie Dumb And Dumber, we have listed some fabulous Dumb And Dumber Quotes, Do enjoy them and laugh hard.

Dumb And Dumber Quotes

“We got no food, we got no jobs, our pets heads are falling off!”

“We got no food, we got no jobs, our pets heads are falling off!”

“So you’re telling me there’s a chance!”

“So you’re telling me there’s a chance!”

“Mock! Yeah!”

“Mock! Yeah!”

“Oh look, frost!”

“Oh look, frost!”

“You can’t triple stamp a double stamp!”

“You can’t triple stamp a double stamp!”

“Kick his ass, Sea Bass.”

“Kick his ass, Sea Bass.”

“What if he shot me in the face?”

“What if he shot me in the face?”

“Big Gulps, huh? Alright!”

“Big Gulps, huh? Alright!”

“That John Denver’s full of sh*t, man.”

“That John Denver’s full of sh*t, man.”

“Why you going to the airport? Flying somewhere?”

“Why you going to the airport? Flying somewhere?”

“According to the map, we’ve only gone 4 inches.”

“According to the map, we’ve only gone 4 inches.”

“We landed on the moon!”

“We landed on the moon!”

“Boy this party really died.”

“Boy this party really died.”

“I’m going to hang by the bar. Put out the vibe.”

“I’m going to hang by the bar. Put out the vibe.”

“Nice set of hooters you got there!”

“Nice set of hooters you got there!”

“That’s as good as money, sir. Those are I.O.U.s.”

“That’s as good as money, sir. Those are I.O.U.s.”

“One time we mated a bull dog with a shih-Tzu. We called it a bullshit.”

“One time we mated a bull dog with a shih-Tzu. We called it a bullshit.”

“Austria. Well then. G’day, mate! Let’s put another shrimp on the barbie!” 


“I desperately want to make love to a schoolboy.” 


“Just when I think you couldn’t possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this… and totally redeem yourself.”


“Hey, You Wanna Hear The Most Annoying Sound In The World?”


“I’m Going To Hang By The Bar. Put Out The Vibe!”


“Nice Set Of Hooters You Got There.”


“Kick His Ass, Sea Bass!”


“So You’re Tellin’ Me There’s A Chance!”


“If I Know Her As Well As I Think I Do, She’ll Invite Us Right In For Tea And Strumpets!”


“We Got No Food! We Got No Jobs! Our Pet’s Heads Are Fallin’ Off!!”


“Excuse Me, Flo?”


“I Just Thought She Was A Raging Alcoholic!”


“No Way! We Landed On The Moon!”


“You Sold My Dead Bird To A Blind Kid?”


“Nice set of hooters you got there!”


“What if he shot me in the face?”


 “Big Gulps, huh? Alright!”


“You can’t triple stamp a double stamp!” 


“Lloyd Christmas:

When I met Mary, I got that old fashioned romantic feeling, where I’d do anything to bone her.

Harry Dunne:

That’s a special feeling.”


“OK gang, you know the rules, no humping, no licking, no sniffing hineys.”


“If I know Mary as well as I think I do, she’ll invite us right in for tea and strumpets.:


“Lloyd Christmas:

Excuse me, Flo, what’s the soup du jour?

Lloyd Christmas:

Mmmm… that sounds good; I’ll have that.”


“Yeah I called her up, she gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something, I don’t know, I wasn’t really paying attention.”


“Hey, look, the Monkees. They were a huge influence on the Beatles.”

These were some of our top picked Dumb And Dumber Quotes, keep following The Quotepedia for more wonderful and motivational quotes

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