You are at the right place if you want to find some coolness quotes that you can put for your social media bio or as your caption. Quotes make your social media profile fancy, and if you can give the correct quote that goes with the vibe of your Instagram photos, it looks aesthetically pleasing.
Now let’s look at some coolness quotes and choose the ones that match your vibe.
Table of Contents
20 Inspiring Coolness Quotes
#1 Good ethics, good friends, and good books will make the ideal life.
#2 A lot of us are not living our dreams because most of us live in our fears.
#3 Every moment in life is a new beginning.
#4 You have to expect the best for yourself before you do them.
#5 There is no mistakes or failure but only opportunities.
#6 Our life is an experiment; the more you experiment, the better it will be.
#7 The coolest people are those who do not think about being cool.
#8 Do not take life too seriously; you will never get out alive anyway.
#9 Be happy at the moment. That moment is your life.
#10 Life is very interesting. Some of your biggest pain becomes your biggest strength in the end.
#11 If you want to write about your life, then you have to live it.
#12 Our life is not the problem that we need to solve. But a reality which we need to experience.
#13 An unfulfilled life is not worth living.
#14 Turn the wounds in wisdom.
#15 I like constructive criticism as it will make me stronger.
#16 The healthiest and best response to our life is happiness.
#17 Keep calm and continue your journey.
#18 The more I live life, it becomes a lot more beautiful.
#19 A lot of times, we cannot see ourselves clearly until we see ourselves through others’ eyes.
#20 Always be kind to others on your way up as you might meet these people on your way down.
15 Funny Cool Quotes
These are some hilarious coolness quotes that you can post on your social media platforms.
#1 I can multitask – I can listen, ignore and then forget at the same time.
#2 I had a very busy day today; I converted oxygen to carbon dioxide.
#3 Whenever nothing goes right, then go just left.
#4 Sometimes, when I shut my eyes, I cannot see.
#5 If we should not eat after midnight, why is there a lightbulb in the fridge.
#6 Do not worry when your plan A fails cause there are 25 more letters.
#7 We should tell some people that the brain is an app, then they might start using it.
#8 You know why chocolate is the best investment? You can purchase an 8oz bar and then gain 2 pounds in the next few days.
#9 I named my dog 4 miles to tell people that I have walked 4 miles every day.
#10 I do all of my stunts, however, not intentionally.
#11 The older you will get, the better you will be unless you are a banana.
#12 Before you start criticizing someone, you must walk in their shoes. In this way, when you criticize them, you are already away from them and will also have their shoes.
#13 Before you marry someone, you should ask them to do one thing: to use a laptop with slow internet. You will see who they are.
#14 Do not follow someone else’s path. Except you are in the forest and you are lost and you notice a path.
#15 I am not superstitious at all, but I’m a bit stitious.
25 Cool Quotes on Attitude
Did people ever tell you that you have an attitude? Or are you aware of the fact that your personality does make you strong and bold? Hence coolness quotes on attitude are a must to express yourself on online platforms. Pick the one which you think fits the best for your attitude.
#1 I did not change; I just found myself.
#2 Simple person but complicated mind.
#3 Be good, look good, and do good.
#4 This person bows to no one.
#5 I do not sweat. I sparkle.
#6 I might not be perfect, but I will always be ME.
#7 If you cannot see fate, then change your attitude.
#8 Your fashion sense is the reflection of your personality and attitude.
#9 You will either have results or excuses.
#10 Down to earth, but I am still above you.
#11 Next stop will be the stop.
#12 Too excited to quit.
#13 Only you can change your own life.
#14 Be you, and the world will adjust.
#15 The best of me is yet to come.
#16 Success depends on the second letter.
#17 The person who dares wins.
#18 Trust me, this person already has a plan.
#19 Stressed, also depressed but always well dressed.
#20 My brain is so amazing. However, I wish everyone has it.
#21 Oh, honey! Go and buy yourself a brain.
#22 What if I fall? But what if you fly?
#23 Be bold, or you can be italic but do not be regular.
#24 Your pain should be your motivation
#25 Till now, you have survived all of your worst days.
25 Short cool quotes
#1 We become what we think.
#2 I may agree with you; however, then both of us will be wrong.
#3 Yesterday you said next day. You have to do it today!
#4 Reality is wrong, but dreams are not wrong.
#5 And in the end, I will rise.
#6 Our happiness depends on us.
#7 When your word fails, music will speak.
#8 Try to be a rainbow for someone else’s cloud.
#9 Die with blissful memories and not with dreams.
#10 Whatever you want to do in life, do it well.
#11 You will prove them wrong.
#12 There will be a day in the future when people who do not believe in you will tell others that they meet you in the past.
#13 We fall, then we break and fail. But then we rise, heal and overcome our situation.
#14 Be your sunshine.
#15 Inhale courage and exhale fear.
#16 Our life is short. Hence do not leave any beautiful words unsaid.
#17 What you will do today will change all of your tomorrows.
#18 When the caterpillar thought their life was over, they began to fly.
#19 Small progress every day will add up to a great result.
#20 Coffee is one of my hands, and confidence in the other.
#21 You cannot make a difference if you try to be like someone else.
#22 Life can be tough but so are you.
#23 The best thing will come after your hardest day.
#24 If you do not try, then you will never know.
#25 Worry less and smile more.
20 Powerful Short Coolness Quotes
#1 I have nothing to lose, but there is something to gain.
#2 It does not have to be easy; It just has to be worth it.
#3 Never let emotions suppress your intelligence.
#4 Simplicity is one of the best sophistication.
#5 Know your priorities and do your best.
#6 Nothing will last forever, but at least we got these memories.
#7 May all your choices reflect hope and dreams and not the fears.
#8 Never regret something that made you happy.
#9 Everyone and everything is beautiful. But not everyone sees it.
#10 Life is not about finding yourself but creating yourself.
#11 Future belongs to those people who believe in their dreams.
#12 Tell me something, and I will forget. But teach me something, and I will remember it forever.
#13 If someone is happy, then they will make others happy too.
#14 Life is either an adventurous journey or nothing at all.
#15 You will be defeated a lot of times in your life but do not let yourself be defeated.
#16 In life, you will try new things to see if they will work.
#17 Do not practice unless you get it right. Practice till you cannot get it wrong.
#18 A ship will always be safe in the harbor. However, that is not where a ship is supposed to stay.
#19 If an opportunity does not knock, then you must build a door.
#20 Failure means another opportunity to start it again. However, this time more logically.
20 Cool quotes for bio
If you want to make a good first impression on your social media, you have to have an impactful bio. The first thing people notice when they look at a new account to follow is their bio. Hence if the bio is crisp and enticing, then they will follow you immediately. Now let’s look at some coolness quotes that you can use as your bio.
#1 Creating the life that I love.
#2 Just make sure you love your life.
#3 Be kind. Stay humble. Work hard.
#4 Do not ever be afraid to shine.
#5 First, I need coffee. After that, I do other things.
#6 “Be strong” – I whisper it to the Wi-Fi.
#7 I just woke up and post it.
#8 Escaping my ordinary life.
#9 Never stop exploring.
#10 Too many books but so little time.
#11 Start from somewhere.
#12 Turn your dreams into vision and your vision into your reality.
#13 You are smart. You are kind. And you are important.
#14 Life will never get better by chance, but it will get better by change.
#15 Our mission in life should not be just to survive but to thrive.
#16 Sometimes, we do not know the value of the moment until it becomes a memory.
#17 I am not funny at all. I am so mean, but others think I am just joking.
#18 Be like a pineapple – wear a crown, stand straight, and always be sweet from the inside.
#19 My relationship status? Movies, cupcakes, and hoodies.
#20 I have only three hobbies – breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
35 Cool Quotes for DP
#1 It is a beautiful life.
#2 Stay mysterious; it is better.
#3 It is a lovely day.
#4 Every photo will tell you a story.
#5 I will level up.
#6 Keep smiling.
#7 I can, and I will. Just watch me.
#8 Sky is not the limit.
#9 Do not just exist. Live your life.
#10 Go somewhere that will make you feel alive.
#11 I’m what I am.
#12 You will never understand me.
#13 Smile; it will confuse others.
#14 Sometimes, life will surprise you with a wonderful coincidence.
#15 A better version of myself.
#16 You have to be your hero.
#17 When you feel confident, you will look beautiful.
#18 There is no one else like me.
#19 Cherish yesterday, live today, and dream tomorrow.
#20 If you are struggling, that means you are progressing.
#21 Smile is the prettiest thing a person can wear.
#22 Good days are coming soon.
#23 The best thing in your life is free.
#24 For a moment there, I lost myself.
#25 I am too lazy to think of a caption.
#26 Silence will always be the best response to a fool.
#27 Keep calm; new DP will come soon.
#28 It is a bad day but not a bad life.
#29 Do not stop unless you are proud of yourself.
#30 Our life does not have any control + Z.
#31 Sometimes you will win, and other times you will learn.
#32 I am not lazy. I am in energy-saving mode.
#33 If someone wants to stay in your life, they will always find a way.
#34 Do not give up on your dreams. So, keep sleeping.
#35 Whether you love me or hate me. I will always shine.
Final thoughts
There are various types of coolness quotes, from inspiring to funny or just about our life. Whichever quotes fit your personality, use them for your bio and captions on social media.
Most of the time, the quotes you put on your social media reflect your personality and life. We have given a lot of different types of quotes that will suit everyone.