Quote Cars for the Love of Automotives and Car Movies

Quote cars are phrases related to speed, automotives, and all things that keep you going. If you have a fetish for cars, or you want to own one go through the car quotes I have listed here.

The sheer thought of buying and driving a car gives you a sense of power. If you don’t know how it feels, you might aspire to go through it some day.

From holding the steering with your hands to resting your feet on the brake, driving a car gives a sense of strength and responsibility like no other.

If you are fascinated with movies like Fast and Furious, you will surely want to live an adventurous life.

Quotes Cars

Check out some of the most relatable car quotes and what they express!

car quotes

When it comes to men, it’s very hard to figure what goes through their brain. But they certainly seem to like certain things too much.

It’s very difficult to find a man who doesn’t like sports. Again, as humans, expecting a woman by their side is what most of them desire. Then again, automotives are possessions they love to own. So, ya! Women, sports, and cars are definitely the most common things that men find important.

car quotes

Race cars are made to win. If they don’t do enough to win the race, their owners don’t value them. They are supposed to provide results or else they are useless.

When it comes to humans, the same is true. You can’t judge a person by their outer appearance. What they do is important, and that’s what it means to be human.

That’s exactly what we all should do. Physical beauty can sometimes be deceiving. That’s why we should always look out for actions rather than our appearance. This is definitely one of the best quote cars we found.

car quotes

A car is a car, not a necessity of living. It is a mode of transportation along with a style statement. But it should give meaning to your existence.

Just like you fear your mother-in-law, you should not do the same to your car. You own the car, and it should not own you.

car quotes

When you buy the car of your dreams, it is like a newborn baby you cannot ignore. You can’t wait to get behind the wheel as it is quite tempting. You always look after your car so that no harm come in its way.

In case you are not looking forward to taking care of your most prized possession, then that car might not be for you. If it was for you, then you wouldn’t neglect it as you are doing now.

car quotes

When you are riding a car, there are always risks. You don’t know how your trip is going to be or whether you’ll face some problems or not. In a way, your life depends on your car.

Since so much depends on the car, you have to take care of it as well.  That’s exactly what the quote is telling you. Maintain your car as perfectly as you can. Surely it will return the favor when you need it the most.

Cars Quote

The movie named ‘Cars’ came out in 2006. It received great reviews from the critics. This movie turned out to be a commercial success as well by earning $462 million worldwide.

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The movie tells you the story of Lightning McQueen who is not a person, but a car. He is not just any car, he is the fastest car in the world.

This Lightning McQueen is actually the Chevrolet Corvette C1 and C6. Both of these cars can give lightning-fast speed, and their structures are also unique.

Lightning McQueen has a big heart. But he has some ego as well. Because of his rebellious nature, most of the time he finds himself in the middle of problems.

However, he is beloved since he never forgets to enjoy himself no matter the time or place.

Here are some cars quote for you to enjoy.

The film ‘Cars’ includes a lot of memorable characters. One such character is a VW van Fillmore. This particular character has a lot of good dialogue throughout the entire franchise.

The character was voiced by George Carlin. Although he died after working on the first installment, his quotes are funny and full of humor. He tells this line to Sarge who is not interested in love at all.

The very first dialogue of Lightning McQueen perfectly sums up the entire character analysis of him. He is the best racing car out there, and he is well aware of that. That’s why he loves himself the way he is.

When met by his two adorning fellow race cars who are his fans as well, he says this line to them.

Quote Cars for the Love of Automotives and Car Movies

Doc Hudson is an old racing car. Lightning McQueen looked up to him as an inspiration.

When a tiebreaker is needed between McQueen and a newbie race car Chick Hicks, McQueen loses the first race. But as an old folk in town, Doc Hudson knows better than to beat himself up about it.

Doc Hudson tells this particular dialogue to McQueen to teach him something a lot more important than cars. He tells him that it’s important to remember who helped him in his time of need. The most important aspect of winning a race is the town which once gave everything McQueen needed.

When Lightning McQueen started to question his own ability, Sally was there to help him.

Sally tells him not to be worried about failure. In the third installment of Cars, we see that a new generation of racers has taken the place of McQueen.

McQueen also manages to get himself around the corner. However, Sally is not the one to give up on McQueen. She is here to charge him up to get behind the wheel once again.

Quote Cars for the Love of Automotives and Car Movies

McQueen is supposed to stay with Sally in a motel room. There is always some kind of tension between the two. They also seem not to like each other at all.

However, they are secretly in love with each other. But none of them actually admits it. When Mater comes across the fact that Sally and McQueen are in love, he tells this line.

Cars I am speed quote

The Cars I am speed quote is very famous among the viewers. Let’s explain the meaning of why that phrase is so popular.

cars I am speed quote

When we talk about Lightning McQueen, speed is what defines him. He takes most of his pleasure from racing, and he wants to keep doing the same for the rest of his life.

Lightning McQueen also wants to challenge himself to make possible what normally seems impossible. He is so confident in life that he always knows what he is doing. This is exactly what reflects in this particular quote.

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However, in real life, we have so many things to learn from Lightning McQueen. Just like him, we all need a passion to hold on to. Without being passionate about something, it’s almost impossible to enjoy life.

Fast and Furious cars quote

While discussing quote cars, we have to talk about the Fast and Furious cars quote as well. In the following, you will find some of the best quote cars which are heard in those movies:

Dom Toretto is the one to look forward to when you are watching any Fast and Furious film. He can give you such life lessons that you won’t forget anytime soon.

Dom likes to live in the present. What he does for a living is dangerous, and he knows that very well. That’s why he doesn’t waste his time worrying about his future.

The life philosophy of Dom is simple. Live life like you are at a race where everything is going forward very fast. You have to seize the moment before they are gone forever.

Quote Cars for the Love of Automotives and Car Movies

This particular line comes from Han, one of the most beloved characters of the franchise.

Han says that whether you participate in a race or not, you have to make multiple choices which you can’t regret. Life doesn’t stop for anyone as you have to look forward all the time. So make the right choices and don’t look back.

If you somehow can’t resist yourself looking backwards, you are going to lose the race for sure.

Dom is such a person who might indulge himself into illegal racing, but he never turns his back on his family. Family means everything to him. The group he relies on are like family to him.

Money is important as you can’t do anything without it. However, money is something that can be earned anytime you want. But you must hold onto your family at all times.

Quote Cars for the Love of Automotives and Car Movies

Dom Toretto is the best at what he does. Nobody stands a chance when Dom gets himself behind the wheel. It almost seems like he is a master in the works.

When Brian manages to get into the group as an undercover FBI agent, he and Dom participate in a race. As a newbie, Brian loses to Dom by a fine margin. Naturally, he is sad since he could win as well.

But Dom tells him that as long as you are winning, the margin doesn’t matter. Be it a race, or a journey of life, you have to win at any cost.

Quote Cars for the Love of Automotives and Car Movies

This quote might be a one-liner, but it does bear deep meaning. Dom delivers this line when he is driving with Letty. It simply means that you should take some time off things to clear your head.

We all are too busy in real life. We don’t have much time to do things we love. Too much workload could be the downfall of so many of us.

So, you must rest your mind for a few hours, and go on a road trip with your favorite people. Try it once, and see the result yourself.

Final Thoughts

Next time you ride a car or drive one, don’t forget to remember these quote cars we told you about in this article.

Cars are not just a medium of transportation. For some people, they are emotions. If you feel yourself being attracted to cars after reading the above quote cars, keep the passion alive.