70+ Parks And Recreations Quotes About Friendship And Life

Parks and Recreation is an American series that was aired on NBC and have over seasons and 125+ episodes. The series is inspired by the politics and wrote the plot and have shot it in the fictional town in Indiana name as pawnee. There was a major change done after the first season in order to take consideration of the feedback of viewers. The changes were done in terms of cast and plot. The story focuses on a deputy director of the parks and recreation department in the town of pawnee. The plot shows the problem faced by the director from the government when he tries to do his best to create and maintain public places in town. He never quits doing his work, he always thinks optimistically to cope with every problem created by the government. Apart from this some true friends of his always support and help him in every situation by doing this or that stuff.
This portrays that we should always be optimistic in life no matter how many problems we face we always have our true ones besides us and they help us in every situation. We have listed some of the best Parks And Recreation Quotes to show you the hurdles and the meaning of true friendship.

Parks And Recreations Quotes

“Everything hurts and I’m dying.”

“Everything hurts and I’m dying.”

“There’s only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water that is lying about being milk.”

“There’s only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water that is lying about being milk.”

“Time is money; Money is power; Power is pizza; Pizza is knowledge. Let’s go!”

“Time is money; Money is power; Power is pizza; Pizza is knowledge. Let’s go!”

“I am a Goddess, a glorious female warrior.”

“I am a Goddess, a glorious female warrior.”

“Just remember, every time you look up at the moon, I, too, will be looking at a moon. Not the same moon, obviously, That’s impossible.”

“Just remember, every time you look up at the moon, I, too, will be looking at a moon. Not the same moon, obviously, That’s impossible.”

“Sometimes you gotta work a little so you can ball a lot.”

“Sometimes you gotta work a little so you can ball a lot.”

“We have to remeber what’s important in life: friends waffles and work. Or waffles, friends, work. But work has to come third.”

“We have to remeber what’s important in life: friends waffles and work. Or waffles, friends, work. But work has to come third.”

“Halloween is my favorite holiday. It’s just the best. And I don’t have to work! Hey slutty teenage girls dressed as sexy kittens, pump your own stomachs this year!”

“Halloween is my favorite holiday. It’s just the best. And I don’t have to work! Hey slutty teenage girls dressed as sexy kittens, pump your own stomachs this year!”

“If I keep my body moving, and my mind occupied at all times, I will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair.”

“If I keep my body moving, and my mind occupied at all times, I will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair.”

“What I hear when I’m being yelled at is people caring really loudly at me.”

“What I hear when I’m being yelled at is people caring really loudly at me.”

“I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.”

“I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.”

“I wasn’t listening but I strongly disagree with Ann.”

“I wasn’t listening but I strongly disagree with Ann.”

“You’re a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox.”

“You’re a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox.”

“I’m fine. It’s just that life is pointless and nothing matters and I’m always tired.”

“I’m fine. It’s just that life is pointless and nothing matters and I’m always tired.”

“Put some alcohol in your mouth to block with words from coming out.”

“Put some alcohol in your mouth to block with words from coming out.”

“I’m big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.”

“I’m big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.”

“Boss man, I wanna go home early. Ooh, hold on actually, hang on. Yeah, no, I wanna quit and never come here again.”

“Boss man, I wanna go home early. Ooh, hold on actually, hang on. Yeah, no, I wanna quit and never come here again.”

“There’s nothing we can’t do if we work work hard, never sleep, and shirk from all other responsibilities in our lives.”


“It’s like I always say. When life gives you lemons, you sell some of your grandma’s jewelry, and go clubbing.”


“I would like to be president someday, so no I have note smoke marijuana…”


“…I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. It was kind of indescribable, actually. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn’t any pot in the brownie, it was just an insanely good brownie.”


“Do I look like I drink water?”


“How do you make any event classy on a budget?…”


“Red carpet. My entire apartment is red carpet. On top of that, leading into my bedroom, a second red carpet. Oh, what’s this in my shoe? Red carpet insole. Everywhere I go, I’m walking on red carpet.”


“Oh my god! [catches calculator] Hey, Dr. Buttons!…I mean, my old calculator. It doesn’t have a name.”


“If I had to have anybody tell me that I have cancer, I would want it to be me.”


“I guess my thoughts on abortion are, you know, let’s all just have a good time.”


“Are you duking on my chest right now?”


“I really only listen to, like, German Death Reggae and Halloween sound effects records from the 1950s. And Bette Midler. Obviously.”


“Jogging is the worst. I know it keeps you healthy, but God, at what cost?”


“No, that’s Buckingham Palace. Hogwarts is fictional. You do know that, don’t you? It’s important to me that you know that.”


 “I have no idea what I’m doing, but I know I’m doing it really, really well.”


“No one achieves anything alone.”


“Who hasn’t had gay thoughts?”


“Lucky for me, I’ve processed all my feelings. And I’ve gone through the five stages of grief: Denial, anger, internet commenting, cat adoption, African dance, cat returning to the adoption place, watching all the episodes of Murphy Brown, and not giving a flying fart.”


“Put some alcohol in your mouth to block with words from coming out.”


“No matter what I do, literally nothing bad can happen to me. I’m like a white, male US Senator.”


“I’ll have a glass of your most expensive red wine mixed with a glass of your cheapest white wine served in a dog bowl. Silly straws all around, please.”


“She’s the woooorst!”


“I guess some people object to powerful depictions of awesome ladies.”


“Leslie, I typed your symptoms into the thing up here, and it says you could have network connectivity problems.”


“Calzones are pointless. They’re just pizza that’s harder to eat. No one likes them.”


“I’m fine. It’s just that life is pointless and nothing matters and I’m always tired.”


“I would like a glass of red wine and I’ll take the cheapest one you have because I can’t tell the difference.”


“Sometimes you gotta work a little so you can ball a lot.”


“No home is complete without a proper toolbox. Here’s April and Andy’s: A hammer, a half- eaten pretzel, a baseball card, some cartridge that says Sonic and Hedgehog, a scissor half, a flashlight filled with jellybeans.”


“So, you’ve gone insane. That’s fun.”


“My only official recommendations are US Army-issued mustache trimmers, Morton’s Salt, and the C.R. Lawrence Fein two-inch axe-style scraper oscillating knife blade.”


“There’s like a 30% chance they’ll both die.”


“Dress code: Black tie optional. Just like life.”


“Strippers do nothing for me…but I will take a free breakfast buffet anytime, anyplace.”


“I don’t want to do things. I want to not do things.”


“It’s pointless for a human to paint scenes of nature when they can go outside and stand in it.” 


“When I bet on horses, I never lose. Why? Because I bet on all the horses.”

These were some of our top picked Parks And Recreations Quotes, keep following The Quotepedia for more wonderful and motivational quotes

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